Simple Tips To Give You a Confidence Boost

Sumayya's Little World
3 min readMar 25, 2021

Lack of self-confidence could do you more harm than you thought.

Photo by Snapwire from Pexels

“Many of us will not realize who we are because we do not believe in ourselves”
Sunday Adelaja

Self-confidence and self-esteem are commonly confused terms, however, there is a sharp contrast between the two. According to Dr. Bandura, self-confidence is an overall view of how likely you feel you can succeed keeping in view your past successes and failures.

Self-confidence is not something one is born with. It is built over the years with effort and it also depends on the environment you are subjected to. We need to recurrently use tips and tricks to help boost it because the comparison loops caused by social media, challenging work environments, and unsupportive people could deflate it.

Here are some practical ways to improve your self-confidence:

1. Do not Evaluate Your Abilities based on People’s Opinions

One of the reasons why we feel crappy and demotivated is because the people around us keep telling us why we are not good enough or why we would fail. It is important to realize that nobody knows about us as much as we know ourselves. Therefore, it is important, to be honest with oneself. Sit alone for some time and try to have an unbiased view of yourself. Nobody can assess you as well as you can judge yourself. Try to delve deep into your soul and locate your positive things and shortcomings. Tell yourself that people’s opinions are not facts. What they think you are capable of doing is not what your acumen really is. Figure out what you are made of, clear your mind of demotivating talks and tell yourself how amazing you are and what needs to be worked upon.

2. Regularly Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Do you want to start your own blog or YouTube channel but are afraid to express yourself on public platforms? Do you want to have a difficult conversation with someone that you always keep avoiding? Do you want to take a new job because the old one is draining you? Do you want to change your dressing style but you keep delaying it?

There are some things that we are all scared to do. However, if you try to do uncomfortable things, whether big or small they will be of great benefit in the long run. You will learn to trust yourself which in return would boost your confidence in yourself. So, do one thing that makes you antsy every other day and visualize how it stimulates your growth.

3. Positive Self-Talk

Whenever you are talking to yourself, observe your thoughts and keep track of them. Notice if you are being too hard on yourself or trying to undermine your abilities. You can also write the recurring negative thoughts in your journal and try to convert them into positive affirmations. Instead of saying, “I am a mess”, tell yourself that you are human and humans are fallible. Instead of saying, “I always do things wrongly”, remind yourself of the numerous times you did things right.

Positive self-talk can really make a difference.

4. Trick Yourself to Do Good Things

If you are afraid to do something that you need to do, do it anyway. Do not jump to conclusions right away. Do not assume that you would fail. Try not to think about the consequences. Shut down your brain and accomplish what needs to be done. Tell yourself that it is just an experiment and you will take care of the consequences afterward.

Most of the time we worry needlessly. We make assumptions that are not generally true. So, doing these tricks will make you accomplish the necessary tasks.

In your everyday life, take these steps to boost your self-confidence and ultimately the quality of your life.

